In the past, light hardly had any significance in vehicle interiors. This has changed fundamentally - thanks in part to csi engineers and lighting experts. Today, sophisticated lighting concepts and packages ensure ambience and safety in the vehicle interior. And very soon, light will be indispensable as a communication tool.
In an innovation project that we have launched together with partners including Xtra Dynamics Heilbronn, Eissmann individual, Joysonquin Automotive Systems, Sage Automotive Interiors and Taracell AG (Switzerland), we are opening the door to this near future. We are focusing on state-of-the-art electroluminescent (EL) films, which offer potential that few have really exploited until now. Thanks to innovative manufacturing processes, EL can be used to create homogeneous, non-dazzling lighting effects – on surfaces that were previously unthinkable. And that's what we're demonstrating in this exciting project, which will be presented to you in more detail shortly in our Newsletter.