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csi expands its consulting service

For over 26 years, csi has acquired knowledge and experience in the mobility industry. This has enabled it to develop extensive expertise as a development service provider and company consultant.

For many years, our csi Munich office has been known for its excellent consulting service. In 2021, csi also successfully established consulting at its Neckarsulm, Gaimersheim and Weissach sites. Thanks to our specialist knowledge in Class A finishes, body work, lightweight construction, interiors, exteriors, electrics/electronics and simulation, we can answer almost all current and future enquiries, and thereby contribute to responsibly designing the future every day.



Our consulting services have been in increasing demand for some time, as the world is changing more and more rapidly and fundamentally. Whether we are looking at analyzing and optimising structures and processes, developing and implementing change management or preparing the basis for strategic decisions and recommending actions to be taken – we are now being called on board more and more frequently. Whereas, previously, our expertise was called for with automotive and mobility projects, in recent times, we have received more and more requests from other sectors of industry.
This is certainly also due to the fact that, in many respects, the automotive sector serves as a model for other industries, among other things in terms of its organisational structures. Norman Maßek, who leads our project management and consulting team in Munich, increasingly has his sights set on the aviation industry.
This is because, as a trained aerospace engineer he has not lost any of his passion for aircraft. But it is also because there are many companies in and around Munich working in this sector. The projects Norman and his team are working on are extremely wide-ranging. In one project funded by the German federal government, in which csi is involved, the focus is on the conditions – including the infrastructure – that need to be created to use and sensibly deploy "flying taxisin the near future. Apart from the fact that they need to be able to fly – unlike the model presented by former German Transport Minister Scheuer – they also need to be incorporated within a sustainable mobility concept.



The consulting field has been heavily expanded at our sites in Neckarsulm, Gaimersheim and Weissach since January 2021 under the management of Andreas Lübeck. With his many years of experience in consulting, he has made a massive contribution to bidding for and winning various projects – including projects from different sectors.

Regardless of the csi site, csi consulting represents an energetic, solution-orientated and integrated consulting service.



We support our customers in their change processes. Because every new direction also involves complex questions and often fears and concerns on the part of the people affected.

Expertise, clear communication and operational support with determination and intuitive awareness of change processes are just a few of our qualities. We help to clear obstacles, bring all the project stakeholders on board and configure faster, smoother and more cost-effective processes. Our Consulting Portfolio (see below) equips us perfectly to bring even the most complex subjects and processes across the finish line and support customers on a level – in mobility and many other sectors. Theoretically and also practically in situ.



"A pound of pluck is worth more than a tonne of luck!" is one of Andreas' guiding principles. The same could be said of many of our consultants.

The ideas and concepts which we develop for our customers with our head and heart also need to work in practice. We focus is on making consultancy concepts operational. Standing by our customers, supporting them during the implementation phase, being there when things come to life and when the project is a success are the most important and intensive moments in this process.

We are all on a journey from a knowledge-based society to a concept-based society. Whoever develops viable concepts from existing knowledge most quickly will set themselves apart from the competition. Successful collaboration is another aspect critical for success. Value chains that correspond to your internal values and complement your strengths will create the market of tomorrow. Get in touch with us if you are considering equipping your projects, processes and organisation to cope with future issues.

We look forward to many exciting projects with you!


Our Consulting-Portfolio
Our Consulting Portfolio includes professionally certified project management in accordance with IPMA® Standard Levels D to B, Intacs™ certified Provisional Assessors for Automotive SPICE, certified Systems Engineers, expertise in traditional and agile project worlds, change management, transformation and coaching.


CONSULTING MANAGER | csi Neckarsulm, Gaimersheim & Weissach


Andreas Lübeck | Consulting Manager, csi Neckarsulm, Gaimersheim & Weissach

Norman Maßek | Projektmanagement & Consulting Manager, csi München

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