We are hungry for innovations
We see ourselves as initiators of innovation.
Picking up on and driving forward future trends leads us to ever new lighthouse projects in which we expand and demonstrate our knowledge and skills. With our experience, we dare to push the boundaries of what is feasible.
We present four highlights below.
- the #ULBS - an ultra-lightweight seat weighing less than 10 kg
- the sustainable center console - NaMiKo Smart, which is largely made of cellulose fibers
- the Vision T. - a visionary door panel
- the IMSE® technology
#innovations #ultralightweight seat #Namiko #VisionT #IMSE

The ULBS - A vehicle seat weighing just 10 kg
In the #ULTRALEICHTBAUSITZ project, a vehicle seat concept (idea of the target markets: hypercar and air taxi) with a weight of 10 kg was completely redesigned. In a 7-month project between 08/2018 and 02/2019 the initiating companies csi entwicklungstechnik, a Germany based vehicle developer, Alba tooling & engineering, a specialist for the development and production of innovative production systems in the field of high-quality plastic components, and the management consulting company AMC developed the virtual and hardware prototype of a seating concept, together with Robert Hofmann GmbH, covestro, 3D|CORE and LBK Fertigung.
More information, details and views are available at

NaMiKo Smart - Radically light and heavily sustainable
With "NaMiKo Smart", the center console made of cellulose fibers, we have now presented a second "radical innovation" within three years after the #ULBS ultra-lightweight seat. While the focus of development for the ultra-lightweight seat was on maximum material savings and weight reduction, "NaMiKo Smart" also focuses on the use of sustainable materials and the development of production-ready process technologies.
More in-depth insights can be found here.

Vision T. - an innovative door panel - lightweight, modular, recyclable
Together with our project partners Eissmann Individual, JOYSONQUIN Automotive Systems, Xtra Dynamics and Taracell AG, we are opening the door - in the truest sense of the word - to a new world of interior lighting design. Using a door panel, which has a particularly complex structure due to the combination of different materials, safety requirements and surfaces, we show how functionality, design and sustainability can be perfectly combined with innovative (lightweight) concepts. Incidentally, we chose the door because we firmly believe that vehicle doors will continue to exist in the future.
We provide a detailed insight here.

IMSE® - technology that pushes the boundaries of illumination
Thanks to IMSE®, functions can be integrated into components where previously there was simply no room for them. A height of just 4.5 to 6 millimetres is enough to implement IMSE® and it can be found virtually everywhere - for example in the instrument panel, in trim strips or even in backrests. Almost any surface can become a control panel, switch or (sliding) control with IMSE®, without compromising the aesthetic and tactile quality of the material. However, IMSE technology is not only used in the interior, but can also be used in the exterior and in many other areas. Thanks to its space-saving implementation, UV stability and water and dust resistance, IMSE® creates individual application possibilities - inside and outside, not just in or on the vehicle.
Here we take a closer look at the topic.